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  • 山本漢方製薬株式会社

    Green Barley Kanten

    Ingredients (4 servings)

    A Green Barley
    1 pack (3g)
    A Powder agar
    A Sugar
    A Water
    B Black sesame, Roasted black soy flour
    2 teaspoon
    B Powder agar
    B Water
    B Sugar
    B Milk
    Canned kanten with fruits (off-the-shelf)
    1 Can

    How to make

    1. Put ingredient marked as A other than Green Barley into a pan, mix, bring to a boil, and heat for 1 to 2 minutes.
    2. Dissolve Green Barley with a small amount of water and add it to the mixture, mix well, bring to a boil, and then cool slightly.
    3. Wet a mold with water and pour ② into it and cool it in a refrigerator to solidify it.
    4. Put powder agar, water and sugar marked as B into a pan, mix while bringing it to a boil, and heat for 1 to 2 minutes.
    5. Dissolve the roasted soy flour by adding it to milk heated to about 40℃and mix together with ④.
    6. Wet a mold with water and pour ⑤ into it and cool it in a refrigerator to solidify it.
    7. Cut the ③ and ⑥ into appropriate size, and arrange them in a bowl together with the off-the-shelf canned gelatin.